Dioxins & Furans
Chlorinated Dioxins and Furans are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic organic pollutants listed in the Stockholm Convention. SGS AXYS has conducted dioxin analysis since 1989 and continues to lead in this measurement. In 1996, SGS AXYS was one of a small handful of laboratories to meet the criteria of a World Health Organization study of human plasma and milk analysis for chlorinated dioxins and furans and dioxin-like PCBs. Our stable of eight GC-HRMS and GC-MS/MS systems provides large capacity and flexibility.
- We offer accredited analysis GC-HRMS by 1613B and GC-MS/MS by SGS AXYS ATM 16130 for 2,3,7,8-substituted chlorinated dioxins and furans, TEQs and totals in all environmental, biota and human matrices for a comprehensive testing solution.
- Our experience and data quality framework provide data of unparalleled defensibility for high-importance litigation and remediation projects.
- Co-extractions and sophisticated multiplexing with PCBs, pesticides and more can generate hundreds of POPs measurements at low detection limits from a single, limited sample.
- We raise the bar on product leadership: In collaboration with the US EPA, we recently validated and benchmarked GC-MS/MS techniques for EPA 1613B equivalent performance and future-proofing. An alternate method (ATP) with the US EPA is in progress.
Method 16130 and GC-MS/MS Innovation
With the declining availability of magnetic sector mass spectrometers, the EPA needed alternatives for dioxin analysis. We worked with the EPA and two instrument vendors to develop and validate a GC-MS/MS method that was exactly equivalent to the promulgated reference method 1613B. This method, titled SGS AXYS ATM 16130 has been reviewed by the EPA and found to be equivalent the 1613B. As the EPA moves forward with the method update rule (rMUR), the method can be approved NPDES permits on a case-by-case basis as outlined in 40 CFR 136.5.
Click here to download the method document. Please contact us for any questions on SGS AXYS ATM 16130 using the contact information in the method document.
For more information on the method, watch our expert and method architect Dr Coreen Hamilton.
Application Spotlight
SGS AXYS has supported the remediation of sites contaminated with Agent Orange in Vietnam for many years. In this study, we helped researchers (Pham et al. 2018) measure and predict dioxin levels in people living in Da Nang and Bien Hoa years after the exposure. They used this data, existing measurements done in fish in the area (much of this work was also done by SGS AXYS) and other factors to predict that the consumption of fish from contaminated sites was likely the most significant current source of contamination in people.