About Us

POPs and CEC Analytical Leader

Operating since 1974, SGS AXYS has been a world leader in ultratrace analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) for more than forty years. Our international reputation has been earned through resolute commitment to unparalleled data integrity and quality for private and public sectors clients.

SGS Acquisition

In October of 2016, AXYS Analytical Services Ltd. was purchased by SGS SA, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, changing its name to SGS AXYS Analytical Services Ltd., also known as SGS AXYS. The role of SGS AXYS, the location of testing in Sidney, B.C., the scope of services, the analytical and technical support staff, and markets served remain unchanged.


Our expertise extends to a wide variety of fully commercialized tests for organochlorine legacy compounds to analysis of emerging and pre-regulatory contaminants. Whether you need regulatory analysis of legacy pollutants, such as dioxins and PCBs, or specialized analysis of emerging contaminants, such as PFAS and PBDEs, or method development for emerging targets including Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs), our analytical excellence can make a difference for you.

Our technologies typically employ isotope dilution through the use of stable isotope standards to enhance detection limits, selectivity, and reduction of interferences. SGS AXYS’ unique experience and specialized sampling and analytical procedures allow for much lower detection limits and maximization of data obtained from limited sample size. SGS AXYS offers analyses in many matrices, including a wide range of biological and human matrices. Our track record and reputation for excellence – even in complex sample conditions within environmental, human, biota and food matrices – consistently ensures defensible contaminant analysis. We also have a wealth of successful experiences with high volume and passive sampling techniques and their analysis.


Consistently first to market among North American commercial environmental laboratories in analysis of emerging contaminants (full congener PCBs in 1986; dioxins in 1988; polybrominated diphenyl ethers in 1995; perfluorinated chemicals in 2002), SGS AXYS continually develops quantitative approaches for contaminants of emerging concern under full ISO 17025 compliance. SGS AXYS holds accreditations under multiple quality standards for our wide range of tests, including NELAC, ISO 17025 (Canadian Association for Laboratory Accreditation – CALA) and DoD ELAP (US Department of Defense). Accredited matrices include non-potable water, solids (soils and sediments), biological tissue, chemical matrices, and human serum. Where available, SGS AXYS also participates in worldwide inter-calibration studies to establish analytical proficiency in POPs and CEC analysis.